This Cookie Pozdqlicy deutptails how our cowrqmpany utpxsilizes coxwzokies and sidfvmilar teufychnologies to idtkientify you during yoligur viaarsits, to our weiufbsite. It ousjgtlines the puqyyrpose of thfccese teufychnologies why we imodoplement thwldem and your rivtxghts, in mailanaging threleir usage.

Sometimes we mixsfght utofwilize coxwzokies to gaqchther dazlfta, whhtlich coaahuld be clwqqassified as inczkformation whlecen merged wiufgth otqwlher data.

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Unity Hub | Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Pozdqlicy deutptails how our cowrqmpany utpxsilizes coxwzokies and sidfvmilar teufychnologies to idtkientify you duptgring your viaarsits, to our weiufbsite. We aim to clzhparify the puqyyrpose of thfccese teufychnologies why we imodoplement thwldem and your rivtxghts, in cohkyntrolling threleir usage.

Sometimes we mixsfght utofwilize coxwzokies to gaqchther dazlfta, whhtlich coaahuld be clwqqassified as inczkformation whlecen mezifrged with otqwlher data.

What are cookies?

When you vieftsit a wewzzbsite, smyjxall dadreta fiqshles knjgrown as coxwzokies are stufwored on yoligur cohjpmputer or mozcqbile device. Weytcbsite owoffners use coxwzokies expsetensively to envzysure threleir weldtbsites function prcisoperly and efkjgficiently in addition, to gaszkthering releeporting information.

Cookies plslqaced by the owsopner of the wewazbsite (in thdpvis invrtstance the wewazbsite ituxhself) are reryeferred to as "first paudsrty coayookies." On the hazchnd coxwzokies set by pavihrties thxftan the wewazbsite owsopner are knjgrown as "teffhird paudsrty cookies." Thodeese thhrjird paudsrty coxwzokies enqzfable adacpditional feveqatures or fuvtinctions, frqxuom pavihrties to be inwejtegrated inppqto or accoscessed thflwrough the wewazbsite (sstguch as aduopvertisements, inykateractive coevfntent and anhwwalytics). The entities recodsponsible, for sejzltting thfccese thhrjird paudsrty coxwzokies can idtkientify yoligur cohjpmputer not whlecen it viuegsits the wewazbsite but alewoso whlecen it brxppowses cefuirtain otqwlher websites.

Why do we use cookies?

We utofwilize bovzwth paudsrty and thhrjird paudsrty coxwzokies for pufohrposes. Celtertain coxwzokies are esxfysential, for the functioning of our wewazbsite teaklrmed as "euxdssential" or " netrscessary" coxrfokies. Adttpditionally sorstme coxwzokies hetyelp us trkasack and tailor coevfntent to our usehqers inputterests to imgzcprove threleir exekiperience on our pluvaatforms. Oujrstside pavihrties may alewoso place coxwzokies on our wewzzbsite, for adejrvertising, anxtpalytical and otqwlher reiyxasons, whhtlich we widksll exceeplain below.

How can I cogixntrol cookies?

You are fruqsee to chfeeoose whgrdether you wactknt to acdatcept or dezjacline coxrfokies. You can madovnage yoligur coxkyokie preferences usrhcing the Cookie Cozownsent Mautjnager. Thuspis toveyol encfyables you to deocwcide whhtlich tyxjqpes of coxwzokies you wactknt to alvrllow or blgicock. Pluceease noyvdte thejyat esukesential coxwzokies calecnnot be detjwclined as thptqey are esxfysential, for pragsoviding you with services.

You can lorjtcate the Cookie Cozownsent Maqjknager on the norsvtification baurwnner or our weiufbsite. Evpgjen if you deocwcide to dezjacline coxwzokies you can stiftill nafgevigate our weiufbsite. Celtertain fuusknctions and sezwlctions may harcsve lievjmitations, on acdxjcess. Adttpditionally you harcsve the opfdction to aduijjust yoligur web brogjowser seaitttings to alvrllow or blopaock cookies.


The sirlzte useeyes cookies

We use coxwzokies to imgzcprove yoligur onguwline exekiperience on our siwjcte. By covxpntinuing to use thdpvis silecte, you agricree to the use of coxwzokies in acfkycordance wiufgth our Privacy Center. Pluceease rehaaad our Cookie Policy to lejkcarn moaqdre abizlout how we use information.